Every student needs Oxford Learning®.

Our way of tutoring goes far beyond helping with tests or school assignments. We don’t provide band-aid solutions. We provide a full, enriched learning experience that lasts beyond the classroom.

The Oxford Learning® approach is based on years of research into education and methods of teaching. More than 100,000 parents believe Oxford Learning® is Learning for Life. Our programs are built specifically to help your child’s unique learning needs.

From below-average grades to straight-A’s, all students will benefit from what we have to offer. Here’s why:

  1. We teach children invaluable skills they won’t learn anywhere else.
    When has your child’s school ever offered a course in time management, problem-solving, homework techniques?
  2. We teach kids how to learn.
    Be it math today, molecular biology tomorrow – we teach students how to absorb, process, and use new information throughout their entire learning career.
  3. We don’t drill and we don’t repeat.
    The process of learning isn’t about memorizing. We promote active thinking and teach children to discover their own learning process – that’s what’s going to help them get the right answers.
  4. We motivate.
    Children learn because they want to. If it doesn’t seem important enough to them, they’re outta there. We make the connection between school subjects and real life situations that matter to them. Soon enough children figure out that learning does matter.
  5. We inspire confidence.
    Within a safe environment students are encouraged to take chances, make leaps, and try and try again. We celebrate successes and failures. Both, after all, are key ingredients in the learning process. If you’ve failed, you’ve simply learned what doesn’t work.
For a learning experience that goes way, way beyond tutoring, contact an Oxford Learning Centre® near you.