ACT Study Tips for Acing the ACT & SATⓇ Study Tips for Surpassing the SAT
The SATⓇ (Scholastic Assessment Test) and ACT (American College Testing) tests are arguably the most important tests of your teen’s life—the results can play a major role in determining their academic future.
Did you know…
Students who plan on taking these post-secondary entrance tests require at least 60 hours of prep time in order to maximize their performance once test day arrives?
Stats on SAT Studying and ACT Studying
Here’s some stats that remind us just how important proper studying for these tests are:
- Only 43% of SAT test-takers score high enough to meet college success standards source
- 28% of all graduates did not meet any of the ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks
- 4% of SATⓇ takers achieved a score between 2100–2400, the latter of which is the highest score
- 1.92 million ACT test takers scored a 20, which is the lowest possible score to be be competitive for entry into college
With so much content and endless concepts to comprehend, it can be difficult to know where to start studying for these major tests… We have some suggestions!
Preparing for the Tests:
Amid those 60 hours of studying, be sure to complete multiple practice tests and take prep courses to help keep you on track.
Begin early. Teens have a lot on their plate, so the earlier that they begin studying, the better they can balance studying with regular schoolwork and other time commitments.
Tailor the approach. Focus studying on the subject areas that require the most attention.
Learn various test-taking tips. Various portions of the tests use different testing techniques, so become familiar with what each section requires.
Oxford Learning’s GPA 5.0 SATⓇ and ACT Programs courses offer specific strategies for completing each section of the test, which helps optimize the overall score. Our course offers customized approach and targeted focus will help your teen navigate the exams, as well as:
- Establish a study timeline
- Practice with timed tests
- Receive hands-on practice
- Improve confidence
- Find a sense of relief
Having that sense of relief, along with feeling calm and confident, can really help improve your test performance and get you into the school of your dreams—in addition to lots of studying, of course!