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Knapsacks, Rucksacks, Backpacks and Schoolbags for Back-to-School

A new school year is here! And with the new school year comes new school gear… like new clothes, new binders and new backpacks.

But did you know that choosing a backpack should not be made on the basis of style alone? In fact, backpacks should be considered more like sports equipment – in order to get optimum performance they must fit properly, especially since the load they lug can cause damage to spines, shoulders and lower backs.

According to the COCSA – the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations – an over-packed knapsack can have a detrimental impact on posture and on spinal health because students typically carry more than the recommended national guidelines of 10-15% of their body weight, and due to the added weight up to 60% of children will experience back pain by the time they reach the age of 18.

Follow these simple rules to make sure that the backpack burden isn’t too much to bear:

  • Make sure to get a bag that fits properly and is neither too small nor too big
  • Look for wide shoulder straps that are padded
  • Always wear both shoulder straps to distribute weight evenly
  • Tighten the shoulder straps so that the bag sits two inches above the waist
  • Heavier items should be placed closest to the body
  • If there is a waist strap, use it-it helps with weight distribution.

Child to Backpack weight chart

Child’s weight Backpack max. weight
50 lbs 7.5 lbs
80 lbs 12 lbs
100 lbs 15 lbs
130 lbs 19.5 lbs

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