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Three Technology Statistics You Need to Know

Young boy using a computer in his living room

How many tech devices do you have in your home?

While technology allows for some incredible learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom and helps us connect, create, and access information in ways that were seemingly impossible only a short time ago, it’s important for students and parents to be aware of how tech affects learning in other (less positive) ways as well.

3 Important Tech Stats for Students:




So what?

  1. Technology Can Change the Brain. Students are online a large portion of the day… and studies suggest heavy Internet users actually have different brain structures in the “thinking” part of the brain.
  2. Technology Leads to Multitasking. Students are checking social media constantly while completing homework and studying… and studies show multitasking drastically (negatively) affects the brain’s ability to learn and store information.
  3.  Technology Before Bed Disrupts Sleep. Students are using tech before bed… and studies show such behaviour can disrupt sleep patterns, causing students to be overly sleepy during class and learning less effectively.

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