I Want to Study, But I Can’t Concentrate!
I find school, for the most part, easy. However, the one thing that I, and many others, struggle with is staying focused when studying.
For me, it’s all the distractions. There are iPods, TV, games consoles, magazines, and even siblings can be a distraction! But, the main distraction is myself. I find it very hard to block out everything else and focus on studying.
I don’t know why, but having to focus leaves me no choice but to find myself a distraction!
I have tried many different approaches, techniques, and tips to help me sit and concentrate. The few that work for me are:
- Find a quiet workspace away form other distractions and make it into your study space.
- Pace. I create a plan to study for 20 minutes, and then take a 5-minute break.
- Simplify notes to few words. Then, on the test, it’s easy to expand on concepts.
- Don’t keep re-reading the same notes. If they don’t make sense, I find other sources on the same topic to study from.
I have followed these since I was in grade 8 and it has always been easy for me to study ever since! Do you find it hard not to become distracted?
Why is it so hard to concentrate?
About me: Hi! My name is Dylan and I am 15 years old. I have recently been asked to write a few guest posts on the topic Teens: Why Do We Do What We Do?
About me: I go to South Secondary School in London, ON and I have two younger siblings. I have always been a movie guy. In the summer I love to bike with my friends down to the Thames River and ride along the trails. The sights and the entire ride are always beautiful. I also like to bake and listen to old music. I hope that you enjoy my posts! Remember to leave feedback! ~Dylan.

Ace Your Exam With These Study Tips
Exams—they can stress out even the most organized of students. But they don’t have to. With a little preparation, all students have a great shot at acing their exams.