How To Find The Right Tutoring Program For Your Child

Whether it’s improving grades or strengthening learning skills, many students can benefit from enrolling in a tutoring program.
However, no two children learn in exactly the same way. What works best for one child may not work for another. That’s why it’s important to do your research when searching for a tutor and tutoring program to find one that works best for your child.
Keep reading to discover what it takes to find a good tutor for your child, including what you should be looking for in a tutoring program and how to find one that meets your child’s needs.
What To Look For In A Private Tutor Or Tutoring Service
There are certain things you should look for in all tutoring programs and services, including:
- Credentials
- Experience
- Successful Track Record
- Subject Offerings
- Tutoring Approach
When evaluating your options, look for fully-trained tutors with relevant credentials (including a post-secondary education).
Look for a tutoring service with tutors who have previous experience teaching students in a variety of areas and specialties.
Take a look at what kind of track record the tutoring service has. Review testimonials from previous students and parents and find out what results these students have been able to achieve.
Find out which subject areas tutoring is provided for. Does the tutoring service only provide tutoring for certain core subjects? Or is there tutoring for a range of subject areas and learning skills?
Find out about the learning approach used by the tutor(s). Look for programs that emphasize an active learning approach to teach kids learning skills they need to be successful (rather than drill-and-kill rote learning methods).
How To Find The Best Tutoring Program For Your Child
When choosing a tutoring program for your child, looking at the tutor or tutoring service itself is only half of the equation. It’s also important to find a program that is the right fit based on his or her unique learning needs.
Before enrolling your child in a program, make sure you:
- Know your child’s needs
- Know your child’s goals
- Understand how your child learns best
- Consider any special learning needs your child has
- Consider how classes will fit into your child’s schedule
- Talk to the tutors
- Follow up with your child’s progress
Understand where your child is struggling. Is it in a certain subject? Or with a particular skill like note taking or test prep? Knowing the areas your child need to improve will help you choose what type of tutoring program will have the most impact.
Set clear goals your child would like to achieve. This could be improving his or her mark in a subject by a letter grade or building better organization skills. Having specific goals in mind will help you decide whether a tutoring program offers what your child needs to reach those goals.
Some students prefer hands-on learning, while others do best with visual study aids. Look for a tutoring program that takes into account your child’s learning style when creating a program for him or her. However your child learns, look for tutoring programs that incorporate engaging, active lessons. This will help make lessons fun so your child is excited to learn.
Think about any special learning needs your child has, including ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, or Dyscalculia. In these cases, tutoring is more than teaching the material—it’s also helping your child overcome other learning challenges. If your child does have any learning difficulties, look for a tutor and tutoring program that take these challenges into account.
When finding a good tutoring program for your child, an important thing to consider is how it will fit into your child’s schedule. Look for a program that is flexible enough to allow you to create a class schedule that is convenient for you and your child.
Have a conversation with the tutors so you can address any questions you have. Take the opportunity to learn more about how the program works, which classes are offered, and what a typical lesson looks like. This will give you an idea of whether a particular tutoring program is the right fit for your child. It will also let you know how available your child’s tutor will be for check-ins and progress reports on your child.
Even after you have enrolled your child in a program you think is best for him or her, make sure to routinely follow up on how your child is doing. Does he or she get along with the tutor? Is he or she making the progress you expected? Is he or she having fun? Finding the right tutoring program can be an ongoing process. You may have to work with your child’s tutor to make sure your child is comfortable and happy.

Explore How Oxford Learning Can Help
At Oxford Learning, we aim to make learning fun and engaging for every student. Learn more about our tutoring approach and the programs we offer.