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7 Ways to Help Slow-Working Students

As a student, homework and studying can be challenging, especially when work takes an extra long time to complete. Students sometimes need extra support to complete tasks in a set amount of time. Students who take extra long to complete simple tasks may require help with time management as they can quickly become overwhelmed.

Here are some key tips to help slow-working students stay focused, motivated, and organized when completing their homework.

  1. Establish a routine
  2. Create a distraction-free environment 
  3. Break down tasks
  4. Use positive reinforcement 
  5. Provide organizational support 
  6. Consider a tutoring program
  7. Practise patience

Tips to Help Slow-Working Students

Slow working students

1. Establish a Routine

Establishing a routine is among the most effective ways to help slow-working students. Many students thrive within the set boundaries an established routine provides. Set aside a specific time for homework and studying each day, and stick to it. This will help the student develop a habit of working consistently and will help them stay focused and on track.

2. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Distractions can make it difficult for slow-working students to focus on their homework. Help them create a quiet and distraction-free environment for studying. Turn off the TV, limit phone use, and find a quiet place where they can work without interruptions. Learn how to create a distraction-free environment here

3. Break Down Tasks

Large tasks can be daunting and overwhelming, especially for slow-working students. Break down assignments into smaller, manageable tasks. This will help the student stay motivated and avoid feeling discouraged.

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for motivating slow-working students. Praise students for their effort and progress, and provide rewards for completing tasks. This will help them stay motivated and build confidence in their abilities. Reading more about praising effort here.

5. Provide Organizational Support

Slow-working students may need help with organization and time management. Provide organizational support by helping them create a study schedule, setting reminders for important deadlines, and helping them keep their study materials organized.

6. Consider Tutoring

Consider hiring a tutor if your child consistently struggles with homework and studying. A tutor can provide one-on-one support and help students stay on track with their studies. Check out these eight common myths about tutoring. 

7. Be Patient

It’s essential to be patient when working with students. Learning and progress take time, and it’s necessary to encourage and support the student along the way. Celebrate small victories and progress, and keep working towards long-term goals.

Does Your Slow-Working Student Need Help?  

Students can benefit significantly from focused and consistent support at home. Students can overcome challenges and achieve academic success by establishing a routine, creating a distraction-free environment, breaking down tasks, using positive reinforcement, providing organizational support, considering tutoring, and being patient.

Oxford Learning is here to help. Tutoring programs can help your child develop study and learning skills that will help set up your child for success for their entire life. 

Contact a location near you to learn more.

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