Better Routines Lead to Better Grades

How do routines lead to better grades? We all know that routines are an important part of everyday life. Young or old, routines can affect everything in life. Sleeping, eating, leaving the house each day: a routine provides structure and consistency. When facing uncertain times, routines become an essential part of life.
Routines are key for children. The fear of something new is a common fear in children. Young students deal with new experiences daily. With a new school year starting, many new—and potentially frightening—experiences are right around the corner!
Strong Routines For A Strong School Year
Routines are an essential part of everyday life. Young or old, routines are a part of life. Sleeping, eating, leaving the house: routines provide structure. That is why when facing uncertainty, routines become more critical.
These routines can be even more essential for kids. One of the most base instincts in people is the fear of something new. Young students face new experiences daily. With a new school year starting, there are more (potentially frightening) new experiences right around the corner.
Navigate back-to-school like a pro—read the guide here.
How Routines Create Better Grades:
Consistency & Communication
When children know what is expected of them on a daily basis it creates feelings of security and, as a result, helps them do better in school. Daily routines such as eating dinner every night at the table can open the lines of communication and build a better sense of community and cooperation.
Increase Organization
Routines provide structure to the day, helping the must-do tasks get completed with a minimal amount of stress. By knowing what to expect and what to do next, a routine can increase organization skills. Taking care of the must-do tasks such as homework leaves time for other activities and hobbies.
Reduce Stress
When children can remain in a stable routine, they are more confident and less likely to experience the stress brought on by new experiences and not knowing what will happen next each day. Stress negatively affects the way children pay attention in class, stay on task, and are able to move from one activity to another.
Better Grades
By increasing organization and decreasing stress, students are in a better position to learn more effectively in class. Routines can even help students get better quality sleep, a key factor in better grades.
Routines Key This Year
A routine brings calm and consistency to a child’s life and helps them understand what happens next. Simply put, routines can help students perform at their best. While we don’t know for certain what the 2021-2022 school year will bring, we do know that having a strong home routine is key to setting students up for success.
Check out these 6 tips for Creating a Solid Routine in time for back to school.