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School’s Back and So Are Routines!

Alarms are ringing, toast is toasting, backpacks are set near the door—school’s back and so are school year routines!

Summer to September

No more sleeping in until 9:30am, eating breakfast on the couch while watching television, and meeting with friends at noon.

Making the switch from summer routines to school routines can be a bit of a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be! Putting a school routine back in place might take a couple of days, but once reestablished, will provide familiar structure necessary for school success.

Six Great Tips!

Here are some great ways to build routines in your household today:

  1. Use and  agenda to schedule activities, appointments, chores, and even reading time!. Writing something down then crossing it off lends a sense of accomplishment and makes your child get into the habit of sequentially assigning and completing tasks—responsibility and success, all in one!
  2. Keep a consistent sleep routine, even on the weekends. It can be a sacrifice to go to bed early on Saturday night, but your child will be thankful for the established habit  on Monday morning!
  3. Whether it be breakfast in the morning, dinner at 5pm, or a bowl of cereal before bed—eat at least one meal a day together. This will give your family a moment to sit down together and review the day.
  4. Practice wardrobe selection the night before to beat what to wear blues or the eliminate last minute laundry searches for a favourite t-shirt and to reclaim some peace in the  morning.
  5. Give your child some leeway in the morning. Rather than giving reminders to be downstairs 5 minutes before the bus arrives, play a song or songs and when the music ends, it’s time to be downstairs, dressed and ready to go!
  6. Take time before bed to wind down. Maybe your child likes to read, write in a diary, or listen to music—whatever it may be, encourage a soothing routine that helps to wind down the day and encourage sleep.

A Boost of Confidence
Having a well established routine may seem boring, but when children know what to expect at morning and at night , they tend to perform better, both at school and at home by developing a sense of control of their daily tasks and activities. Feeling like they’re in charge of their day not only makes them feel accomplished, but boosts their confidence too!

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