Prep for Parent-Teacher Interview Success: Tips
Progress reports, report cards. Parent teacher interviews… it’s that time of year for the first formal report of how kids are doing do far this grade.
The first report card can be a stressful time for parents and kids alike. Maybe there might be a few unpleasant surprises, and maybe a few red flags, which can be stressful enough, but then to add to the stress, it’s also time for parent-teacher interviews.
Here’s the thing: parent–teacher interviews don’t have to be stressful!
Check out these tips for de-stressing the meeting-the-teacher process, and helping your kids get on the path to better grades.
Go to the interview. Even if your kid is pulling in straight A’s, going to the interview is a key part in parental involvement in education. Studies show that the more parents are involved in their child’s education, the better grades their child gets. So go, meet the teachers that instruct and test your children, even if it’s just to shake hands and say, “nice to meet you.”
Prepare. Read the report card over before going to the interview. Also, review any returned test or assignments that your child has be given to see if marks on the report card are aligned with marks on homework. Bring examples of your child’s work with you to the interview if you have specific concerns.
Ask Questions. It’s not enough to just show up; parents should go into the interview informed. Have specific questions in mind in order to gain better insight classroom performance. Not sure what to ask? Asking how your child is performing in relation to the other students in the class is always a good conversation starting point. Try to keep the discussion academic. It’s nice to hear that your child is the class charmer, but it doesn’t help help him reach his academic goals.
Set Goals. If your child is getting a C+ and you’d like it to be a B+, then discuss actionable steps that can be taken starting right away to make this goal happen. Take notes, and set the actions in motion immediately—the next report card will be here before you know it! (Need some help setting goals? Download our Academic Action Plan.)
Keep it Short and Friendly. Teachers and parents are on the same team when it comes to education, so being confrontational benefits no one. Also, keep in mind that the teacher has somewhere between 20 and 30 parents to meet with. Your time is short, so maximize it!
Call Oxford Learning. Confused by report card jargon? Worried about poor grades? Concerned that your child is not being challenged enough? Call Oxford Learning to schedule a free report card consultation. We can help you make sense of the report card! And, we’re a valuable part of your child’s academic support team.
Ready to master report cards? Learn everything you need to know here!