Five Tips To Make The Most of Online Learning Time

Online learning has become the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the world, students are using online learning platforms to keep learning at home.
Before COVID-19, online learning tools we already experiencing an increase in popularity and usage. Some of these tools include virtual tutoring, language apps, and video conferencing.
Even when students return to in-class learning full-time, online learning will likely still be around. The sooner that students learn how to make the most of online learning time, the more successful they will be! These online learning tips can help students of all ages make the most of their online learning time and keep their academic progression going strong!
Online Learning Tips For Success
- Get Organized: Before each class, take 10 minutes to get set up online. Open up the laptop or turn on the computer. Gather all books and get any other supplies ready. Being organized allows students to focus on their online learning and helps to reduce distractions. Similar to in the classroom, students should have any note materials on hand during online classes and tutoring sessions.
- Set Up A Study Studio: A Study Studio is a dedicated area of your house where learning can happen without distractions and where learning supplies and materials are always within easy reach. Study Studios help students get into a learning mindset quicker and stay there for longer, which makes time spent learning more effective! Learn more.
- Keep a Routine: When in-person learning is suspended, it’s important that students follow a normal learning routine as possible. Schedule disruptions can affect both young and old students alike, causing loss of motivation. Having a daily routine can reduce stress levels and reduce uncertainty about each day.
- Participate in Class: Online learning doesn’t have to be isolating! Teachers use several strategies during class to encourage discussion. While it can be intimating to speak up in front of the class, online platforms often have chat features that allow students to submit answers without having the entire class watching them.
- Maintain Healthy Habits. How effective students make their learning time depends on many factors. Sleep habits, nutrition, physical activity and even screentime can all affect how well students learn. Set screen time limits and be sure that students are moving their bodies and eating well before class time to make the most out of their online learning time.
Set Students Up For Online Success
Online learning can be challenging, but with the right online learning tips, students can succeed. Oxford Learning makes the switch from in-class to online learning smooth and fun to take learning. skills to the next level.