Make Math Fun

How can we bring the joy back into math? Mathematics can shape our understanding of the world and underpin countless facets of our lives. From simple arithmetic to tackling calculus challenges, math equips students with invaluable skills for their everyday experiences. Yet, it’s no secret that many students find math to cause stress, boredom, and […]

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Navigate the World of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly prevalent part of our daily lives, making it important for kids to learn to navigate the world of artificial intelligence. Teaching kids about AI can empower them to make informed media decisions, embrace new technology, and even inspire them to pursue careers in AI-related fields. Here are nine […]

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podcasts for kids

In a world buzzing with gadgets and screens, educational podcasts for kids can transform mundane learning into an engaging and captivating audio lesson.  Podcasts for kids aren’t just educational learning or storytelling; They’re about igniting a spark of curiosity and turning mundane subjects into thrilling adventures.  Podcasts can be transformative: creating a world where history […]

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elementary school tutoring

Elementary school tutoring plays a crucial role in a child’s educational journey, providing them with academic support and guidance during their formative years. Whether a student is struggling with a particular subject or seeking extra enrichment, tutoring offers personalized help tailored to their needs.  This comprehensive guide provides all the essential information you need to […]

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Online Tutoring vs. in-person tutoring

Every parent wants the best for their child’s education—which often means seeking additional help outside of the traditional classroom setting.  Online and in-person tutoring are two popular options in today’s educational landscape. But what sets them apart? Explore the strengths of each option to make an informed decision for your child’s learning journey. Differences Between […]

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Math and reading decline

Your teen got accepted to postsecondary school! Congratulations! But are they ready for the reality of the demands of college or university? Having great grades alone does not mean that teens also have the skills necessary to succeed in college and university. Various studies show that many students find postsecondary more challenging than they realized. […]

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Tutoring in Tough Economic Times

When the economy struggles, discretionary spending shifts. Families are taking the time to rethink their spending, being more careful about what they buy, and reexamining what truly matters. Extra treats normally enjoyed, such as going out to eat, cruising around in cars, or subscribing to various streaming services, are now up for discussion and often […]

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Helping your child stay motivated and maintain their learning momentum for the entire school year can be challenging. After the back-to-school excitement wears off, motivation and momentum can begin to wane. With a few weeks of school under students’ belts, the school year begins in earnest. Tests. Homework. Studying. But also procrastinating, daydreaming in class, […]

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